MWSN report results in major victory for migrant workers: Manitoba to provide healthcare coverage


Migrant-Voices-Release-3The Migrant Worker Solidarity Network released our report, Migrant Voices: Stories of Seasonal Agricultural Workers in Manitoba, in May of 2013. This report, done in conjunction with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, was successful almost before it was even launched – at the official release, provincial Immigration Minister Christine Melnick announced that the government was going to extend provincial health care benefits to all workers coming to Canada as part of the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP).

Migrant-Voices-Release-5Migrant-Voices-Release-2Needless to say, the Migrant Worker Solidarity Network is very pleased at this development, and applauds the governments support for migrant workers in this province.

“This announcement will give these workers a definite peace of mind knowing in their time of medical need they won’t be facing mounting health-care bills,” said Jennifer deGroot, co-chair, Migrant Worker Solidarity Network.

Migrant-Voices-Release-7Migrant-Voices-Release-6“The decision to extend health-care coverage to this group of vulnerable workers, combined with other initiatives such as the Worker Recruitment and Protection Act, positions Manitoba as a strong leader among the provinces in providing important protections to migrant workers.”


The government announcement was covered by the Winnipeg Free Press, and received attention from, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, along with our friends in the Manitoba Federation of Labour. The provincial government press release on their announcement is also available online.

The photos shown here are of the May 2013 release of the Migrant Voices report. You can find out more about the report here.