migrant workers

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Mud and Water Radio, a local radio show, recently ran two interviews on migrant worker issues. You can find both interviews online at their website, or click on the links below.


Gustavo Mejicanos of the Agricultural Workers Alliance on labour issues for Manitoba farm workers. Download

Thomas Novak of St. Ignatius church on Canada’s temporary foreign worker programs. Download

Thanks very much to Mud and Water Radio for airing these important interviews! Mud and Water Radio runs weekly and broadcasts about current affairs and the arts. You can listen in on Mondays at 5:30 pm CST on CKUW 95.9 FM, or download their interviews off their website – there’s lots of other interesting interviews to listen to. The radio program is run by folks behind the Mud and Water online magazine.

Many migrant farm workers in Manitoba are working directly in the path of the floodwaters in Manitoba, and have had their livelihoods harmed by the flood as much as any other resident of the area. Since the money these workers make goes home to their economically-depressed countries of origin to help support their families, the flood probably has a greater negative impact on these workers than on the average Canadian.

The Winnipeg Free Press recently ran an article on the impact of the flood on migrant workers in the province; Jennifer deGroot, a member of the Migrant Worker Solidarity Network, had her letter to the editor published as Letter of the Day in the Winnipeg Free Press about the challenges these workers face in Canada and the need for them to be covered by any provincial flood compensation scheme. You can find the text of the letter below. Read the rest of this entry »

CBC News is reporting that the UFCW is presenting allegations that the Mexican consulate in Vancouver collaborated with employers in union-busting. Based on leaked documents from the consular office, it appears the consulate blocked pro-union migrant workers from returning to Canada for this growing season and has been threatening workers with deportation if they join a union.

From the CBC.ca article:

A Canadian union accuses Mexican consular officials in Vancouver of blacklisting and harassing Mexican farm workers who voted in favour of forming a union at two Surrey, B.C., farms.

The United Food and Commercial Workers union told a Vancouver news conference Tuesday it has filed complaints about the alleged activities with the B.C. Labour Relations Board.

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From the April 19th Winnipeg Free Press, a news article about the health risks faced by migrant farm workers in Canada.

UPDATE: You can find more information about the report in this news article at ScienceDaily; the UFCW has also issued a press release on these reports.

From the WFP/Canadian Press article:

Many migrant farm workers who come to Canada every year are not given proper safety training, live in hot and cramped quarters, have no access to clean water and see their health suffer as a result, say two new research papers.

Researchers found that many workers from Mexico, Jamaica, the Philippines and other countries develop ailments linked to the gruelling work they do on Canadian farms, largely in British Columbia and Ontario.

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